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How to Choose a Photographer

How To Choose a Photographer for Senior Pictures

8 Tips to Finding Your Senior Photographer

The number of photographers to choose from today is virtually astronomical. I acknowledge that I am far from being a teen, but when I was a senior there were two photographers to choose from in my hometown. My senior photographer was also my wedding photographer. Crazy, right?? Today, there are at least eight photographers (that I’m aware of) in my neighborhood alone.

This means I know you have choices for whom you want to hire for your senior photos. But how do you choose from so many without being overwhelmed? Here are my 7 tips to help you choose your perfect senior photographer.

1. Ask your friends who have already graduated, or already had their senior photo session. Did they like the way their portraits turned out? Did they enjoy the experience? Did they get what they wanted out of the session (the poses, locations, outfits, products)? If you haven’t seen their senior pictures yet, ask to see them. Do they match the style you’re looking for in your portraits? If so, ask for the name of their senior photographer.

2. Scroll through Instagram or other social media platforms. Chances are seniors and photographers are posting recently taken photos. Check the photographer’s Instagram page, and website – the link should be in their bio – to see if their style is what you want for your senior photos.

3. Choose a photographer that specializes in seniors! I’m not saying they have to only take photos of seniors but choose a photographer whose website shows mostly seniors. Experience is key!

4. Read the reviews/testimonials on their website, Google, and Yelp. Do those reviews talk about the experience you want from the session in a positive way?

5. You want to connect with your photographer! You’ll be spending a good chunk of time with this person while they capture who you are, and if you’re not connecting on some level with them, you won’t be happy with the final images. Most photographers will send you a questionnaire to find out more about you and offer a consultation (which is just a fancy word for a meeting where you each get to talk about any questions or concerns you might have) before requiring you to schedule your photo session.

6. Check/ask what their policies are for their senior sessions. Can you have multiple outfits? Do you get to choose multiple locations? What is their guideline for rescheduling?

7. Set your budget. Photographers’ rates vary based on what they offer. Knowing what you want for your senior photos and the amount you can spend will help you make your decision. Don’t forget to keep all your senior portrait expenses in mind, though. For example, if you want your hair and makeup professionally done, but your favorite photographer doesn’t offer that service, make sure they both fit into your budget.

8. Make sure they offer the products you want to purchase. Some photographers only offer digital images, leaving the printing up to you. Some offer prints, but not albums or other keepsakes. Choose a senior photographer that offers the items you want or is open to pointing you in the right direction to purchase those products.

Of course, I would love for you to choose Nichole Lively Photography for your senior portrait experience! But most of all, I want you to choose a senior photographer that you’re comfortable with and who can show the best version of you in pictures.

Have more questions? Ready to schedule your senior session experience? Contact me today and let’s chat!

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